Gear Grinder




Factions: CEF

TV: 86

Models: 3

Actions: 7

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Roster 86TV (V3.0)

-- CG 2 -- 
-- FS -- 
MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew 26TV
- Smoke Launchers, Veteran
MHT-72 FLAIL Crew 33TV
- Veteran
MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew 27TV
- Second in Command (2iC), Smoke Launchers, Veteran


Name TV Role MR AR H/S Dmg A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Type Height
-- CG 2 --
-- FS --
MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew 26 SK, FS H:6" 9 5/3 ▢▢▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 2 4+ 4+ 6+ »MLC(T,AA), »HMG(T,Auto), MAG(T), MRP(T,Link) Airdrop, Jump Jets:3, Sensors:24, ANN, Smoke, Vet Vehicle 2"
options: Smoke Launchers (1 TV), Veteran (2 TV)
MHT-72 FLAIL Crew 33 FS H:8" 10 5/3 ▢▢▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 3 4+ 5+ 5+ HPA(T), MATM(T), MABM(T) Airdrop, Jump Jets:3 (Aux), Sensors:24, TD, ANN, Vet Vehicle 2"
options: Veteran (2 TV)
MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew 27 SK, FS H:6" 9 5/3 ▢▢▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 2 4+ 4+ 6+ »MLC(T,AA), »HMG(T,Auto), MAG(T), MRP(T,Link) Airdrop, Jump Jets:3, Sensors:24, ANN, 2iC, Smoke, Vet Vehicle 2"
options: Second in Command (2iC) (1 TV), Smoke Launchers (1 TV), Veteran (2 TV)
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Weapon Type Code Range Dmg Traits Mode Models
Medium Air Burst Missile MABM 18" - 48" / 96" 6 AI, AE:3, Blast, Guided, T D, I MHT-72 FLAIL Crew
Medium Anti-Tank Missile MATM 12" - 36" / 72" 9 AP:4, Guided, T D, I MHT-72 FLAIL Crew
Medium Artillery Gun MAG 24" - 48" / 96" 10 AE:4, Blast, AP:1, Demo:2, T I MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew
Medium Laser Cannon MLC 12" - 36" / 72" 7 Precise, Advanced, T, AA D MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew
Heavy Machine Gun HMG 3" - 9" / 18" 5 AI, Burst:2, Split:2, T, Auto D MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew
Heavy Particle Accelerator HPA 6" - 24" / 48" 9 Haywire, Advanced, T D MHT-72 FLAIL Crew
Medium Rocket Pack MRP 6" - 18" / 36" 8 AE:3, AP:1, T, Link D, I MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew
Weapon Type Code Range Dmg Traits Mode Models
Heavy Machine Gun HMG 3" - 9" / 18" 5 AI, Burst:2, Split:2, T, Auto D MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew
Heavy Particle Accelerator HPA 6" - 24" / 48" 9 Haywire, Advanced, T D MHT-72 FLAIL Crew
Medium Air Burst Missile MABM 18" - 48" / 96" 6 AI, AE:3, Blast, Guided, T D, I MHT-72 FLAIL Crew
Medium Anti-Tank Missile MATM 12" - 36" / 72" 9 AP:4, Guided, T D, I MHT-72 FLAIL Crew
Medium Artillery Gun MAG 24" - 48" / 96" 10 AE:4, Blast, AP:1, Demo:2, T I MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew
Medium Laser Cannon MLC 12" - 36" / 72" 7 Precise, Advanced, T, AA D MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew
Medium Rocket Pack MRP 6" - 18" / 36" 8 AE:3, AP:1, T, Link D, I MHT-95 Striker FLAIL Crew
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Code Description
AA +1D6 when attacking Elevated VTOLs and Airstrike counters. May use retaliation against airstrikes.
AE Attack model or point, this is primary target. Other models within radius X are secondary targets.
AI May deal more than two damage to Infantry or Drones on a successful attack.
AP Do damage equal to MoS (up to AP rating) or normal damage, whichever is greater. Does at least 1 dmg on a hit.
Advanced Add +1 to attack result in optimal range.
Auto A weapon system with this trait may be used for retaliation once per round without spending an action point.
Blast Ignore partial cover when fired indirectly.
Burst +XD6 to attack with this weapon.
Demo Do at least X amount of damage to buildings on MoS:0 or better.
Guided +1D6 to Fire Missions if FO was made using a TD.
Haywire After hit, target counts as crippled until cleanup. Also roll a D6, on 4+ target gets one damage.
Link +1D6 to attack.
Precise +1 to attack roll results.
Split Attack up to X targets with -1D6 to roll. Targets must be up to 6" from each other.
T Gives a 360 degree field of fire to the weapon.
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Code Description
2iC You may upgrade one non-CGL model in any combat group to Second in Command (2iC) for an 1 TV. CP:1, Init:5+, Rank:1
ANN Improve a chosen skill by one during activation.
Airdrop CG of Airdrop models may deploy 12" past their deployment zone, in formation. Models take damage on failing a 2D6, threshold 4+ chance roll.
JumpJets Assist normal move vertically X inches.
Sensors Sensor range is X. Models in formation may use this model's sensor locks.
Smoke Use action to drop AE:3r, height 4" smoke area on self. Smoke gives +1D6 defense. Removed in cleanup.
TD When this model FOs, reacting Guided weapons gain +1D6 to attack primary target. (in addition to the Fire Mission +1D6 bonus)
Vet Get +1SP and may purchase veteran options. May not be Conscript.
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Name Cost Description
Smoke Launchers 1 TV
Veteran 2 TV
Second in Command (2iC) 1 TV