Gear Grinder




Factions: Black Talon

TV: 125

Models: 6

Actions: 12

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Roster 125TV (V3.1)

-- SK -- 
Chi Raven 15TV
Beta Eagle 18TV
- Combat Group Leader (CGL), Duelist (for Veterans), Precise, Ace Gunner
Beta Eagle 19TV
- Second in Command (2iC), Duelist (for Veterans), Precise, Ace Gunner
-- SK -- 
Dark Hyena Nu Spectre 29TV
- Commanding Officer (CO), Force Leader, Anti-Air, ECCM
Omega Vulture Theta 23TV
- Second in Command (2iC)
Lambda Vulture 21TV
-- EG -- 


Name TV Role MR AR H/S Dmg A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Type Height
-- SK --
Chi Raven 15 RC, FS W/G:9" 5 3/3 ▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 2 4+ 3+ 3+ »LGL, »LVB, LRP Hands, Agile, Vet, Airdrop, Comms, TD, ECM+, ECCM, Sensors:24 (Aux), Jetpack:6, Stealth Gear 1.5"
Beta Eagle 18 SK, FS W/G:7" 7 4/2 ▢▢▢▢/▢▢ 2 3+ 3+ 4+ »HAC(Combo,NoSplitPenalty), »LGL(Combo), »LCW(Brawl:1,Reach:1), MRP, LAPGL Hands, Agile, Airdrop, Jetpack:6, Stealth, Vet, CGL, Duelist, LBE, Precise:1Wpn Gear 1.5"
options: Combat Group Leader (CGL) (0 TV), Duelist (for Veterans) (0 TV), Precise (1 TV), Ace Gunner (1 TV)
Beta Eagle 19 SK, FS W/G:7" 7 4/2 ▢▢▢▢/▢▢ 2 3+ 3+ 4+ »HAC(Combo,NoSplitPenalty), »LGL(Combo), »LCW(Brawl:1,Reach:1), MRP, LAPGL Hands, Agile, Airdrop, Jetpack:6, Stealth, Vet, 2iC, Duelist, LBE, Precise:1Wpn Gear 1.5"
options: Second in Command (2iC) (1 TV), Duelist (for Veterans) (0 TV), Precise (1 TV), Ace Gunner (1 TV)
-- SK --
Dark Hyena Nu Spectre 29 SK, FS W/G:7" 8 4/4 ▢▢▢▢/▢▢▢▢ 2 4+ 4+ 3+ »MRL(Link,T,AA), »MMG(Advanced,Auto), MRP(Guided,AP:2), LCW(AA) Airdrop, Stable, Vet, Stealth (Aux), ECM+, CO, FL, ECCM Strider 1.5"
options: Commanding Officer (CO) (3 TV), Force Leader (0 TV), Anti-Air (1 TV), ECCM (1 TV)
Omega Vulture Theta 23 SK, FS W/G:6" 9 3/3 ▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 2 3+ 4+ 5+ »LRG, »MVB(Reach:1), MRP, MFC, MAPGL, MATM Hands, Airdrop, Vet, Stealth, Jetpack:4, 2iC Gear 2"
options: Second in Command (2iC) (1 TV)
Lambda Vulture 21 SK, FS W/G:6" 9 3/3 ▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 2 3+ 4+ 5+ »LFG(Precise), »MVB(Reach:1), MRP, MGM, MFC, MAPGL Hands, Airdrop, Vet, Stealth, Jetpack:4 Gear 2"
-- EG --
expand_less Weapon reference sort_by_alpha
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Weapon Type Code Range D Traits Mode Models
Light Anti-Per Grenade Launchers LAPGL 0" - 3" / - 5 AI, Frag, Prox D Beta Eagle
Medium Anti-Per Grenade Launchers MAPGL 0" - 3" / - 6 AI, Frag, Prox D Lambda Vulture, Omega Vulture Theta
Medium Anti-Tank Missile MATM 12" - 36" / 72" 9 AP:3, Guided D, I Omega Vulture Theta
Heavy Autocannon HAC 6" - 18" / 36" 8 OR:Burst:1,Split, OR:Precise, Combo, NoSplitPenalty D Beta Eagle
Light Combat Weapon LCW 0" - 1" / - 7 Demo:2, Brawl:1, Reach:1 M Beta Eagle
Light Combat Weapon LCW 0" / - 7 Demo:2, AA M Dark Hyena Nu Spectre
Light Field Gun LFG 12" - 24" / 48" 9 OR:AOE:3,Blast, OR:AP:3, Precise D, I Lambda Vulture
Medium Frag Cannon MFC 3" - 9" / 18" 6 OR:AP:2,Precise, OR:Frag,AI D Lambda Vulture, Omega Vulture Theta
Light Grenade Launcher LGL 6" - 12" / 24" 6 AOE:3, Blast, AP:1, Burst:1 D, I Chi Raven
Light Grenade Launcher LGL 6" - 12" / 24" 6 AOE:3, Blast, AP:1, Burst:1, Combo D, I Beta Eagle
Medium Guided Mortar MGM 18" - 36" / 72" 8 AOE:3, Blast, Guided I Lambda Vulture
Medium Machine Gun MMG 3" - 9" / 18" 4 AI, Burst:2, Split, Advanced, Auto D Dark Hyena Nu Spectre
Light Railgun LRG 12" - 48" / 96" 4 AP:4, Precise, Advanced D Omega Vulture Theta
Light Rocket Pack LRP 6" - 18" / 36" 7 AOE:3, AP:1 D, I Chi Raven
Medium Rocket Pack MRP 6" - 18" / 36" 8 AOE:3, AP:1 D, I Beta Eagle, Lambda Vulture, Omega Vulture Theta
Medium Rocket Pack MRP 6" - 18" / 36" 8 AOE:3, AP:2, Guided D, I Dark Hyena Nu Spectre
Medium Rotary Laser MRL 6" - 18" / 36" 6 Advanced, Burst:2, Split, Link, T, AA D Dark Hyena Nu Spectre
Light Vibro Blade LVB 0" / - 7 AP:2 M Chi Raven
Medium Vibro Blade MVB 0" - 1" / - 8 AP:3, Reach:1 M Lambda Vulture, Omega Vulture Theta
Weapon Type Code Range D Traits Mode Models
Heavy Autocannon HAC 6" - 18" / 36" 8 OR:Burst:1,Split, OR:Precise, Combo, NoSplitPenalty D Beta Eagle
Light Anti-Per Grenade Launchers LAPGL 0" - 3" / - 5 AI, Frag, Prox D Beta Eagle
Light Combat Weapon LCW 0" - 1" / - 7 Demo:2, Brawl:1, Reach:1 M Beta Eagle
Light Combat Weapon LCW 0" / - 7 Demo:2, AA M Dark Hyena Nu Spectre
Light Field Gun LFG 12" - 24" / 48" 9 OR:AOE:3,Blast, OR:AP:3, Precise D, I Lambda Vulture
Light Grenade Launcher LGL 6" - 12" / 24" 6 AOE:3, Blast, AP:1, Burst:1 D, I Chi Raven
Light Grenade Launcher LGL 6" - 12" / 24" 6 AOE:3, Blast, AP:1, Burst:1, Combo D, I Beta Eagle
Light Railgun LRG 12" - 48" / 96" 4 AP:4, Precise, Advanced D Omega Vulture Theta
Light Rocket Pack LRP 6" - 18" / 36" 7 AOE:3, AP:1 D, I Chi Raven
Light Vibro Blade LVB 0" / - 7 AP:2 M Chi Raven
Medium Anti-Per Grenade Launchers MAPGL 0" - 3" / - 6 AI, Frag, Prox D Lambda Vulture, Omega Vulture Theta
Medium Anti-Tank Missile MATM 12" - 36" / 72" 9 AP:3, Guided D, I Omega Vulture Theta
Medium Frag Cannon MFC 3" - 9" / 18" 6 OR:AP:2,Precise, OR:Frag,AI D Lambda Vulture, Omega Vulture Theta
Medium Guided Mortar MGM 18" - 36" / 72" 8 AOE:3, Blast, Guided I Lambda Vulture
Medium Machine Gun MMG 3" - 9" / 18" 4 AI, Burst:2, Split, Advanced, Auto D Dark Hyena Nu Spectre
Medium Rocket Pack MRP 6" - 18" / 36" 8 AOE:3, AP:1 D, I Beta Eagle, Lambda Vulture, Omega Vulture Theta
Medium Rocket Pack MRP 6" - 18" / 36" 8 AOE:3, AP:2, Guided D, I Dark Hyena Nu Spectre
Medium Rotary Laser MRL 6" - 18" / 36" 6 Advanced, Burst:2, Split, Link, T, AA D Dark Hyena Nu Spectre
Medium Vibro Blade MVB 0" - 1" / - 8 AP:3, Reach:1 M Lambda Vulture, Omega Vulture Theta
expand_less Weapon trait reference
expand_more Weapon trait reference
Code Description
AA +1D6 when attacking Elevated VTOLs and Airstrike counters. May use retaliation against airstrikes.
AI Weapons with the AI trait may deal more than two damage to infantry on a successful attack. These weapons also have a bonus of +1D6 against infantry and cavalry models.
AOE Attack model or point, this is primary target. Other models within radius X are secondary targets.
AP Do damage equal to MoS (up to AP rating) or normal damage, whichever is greater. Does at least 1 dmg on a hit.
Advanced Add +1 to attack result.
Auto A weapon system with this trait may be used for retaliation once per round without spending an action point.
Blast If an attacking model has LOS to a target, indirect attacks with this weapon ignore the bonus defense dice for cover. - A fire mission may also receive this benefit if the forward observer, or the attacking model has LOS to the target.
Brawl +XD6 to melee attack with this weapon.
Burst +XD6 to attack with this weapon.
Combo Weapons with this trait on the same model are a combo weapon.
Demo Do at least X amount of damage to buildings on MoS:0 or better.
Frag +2D6 to attack rolls.
Guided +1D6 to Fire Missions if FO was made using a TD.
Link +1D6 to attack.
NoSplitPenalty No -1D6 penalty to attack using Split with this weapon.
OR Choose one firing mode to use when attacking
Precise +1 to attack roll results in optimal range.
Prox Attack all targets within range.
Reach Melee range X
Split May target two separate models, up to 6" from each other, with -1D6 to roll. Both treated as Primary.
T Gives a 360 degree field of fire to the weapon.
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Code Description
2iC You may upgrade one non-CGL model in any combat group to Second in Command (2iC) for an 1 TV. CP:1, Init:5+, Rank:1
Agile Attacks miss this model on MoS0.
Airdrop Combat groups composed entirely of models with the Airdrop trait may deploy using the airdrop deployment option. See Airdrop Deployment.
CGL One model in each combat group must be selected to be the CGL. This is a free upgrade. CP:1, Init:5+, Rank:2
CO Officer, upgraded from CGL. CP:1, Init:4+, Rank:4
Comms No need to roll for orders given to model in formation, unless jammed. Proxy commands.
Duelist May take Veteran and Duelist upgrades. Give SPs to friends when damaging enemies. See rules.
ECCM +1D6 to EW rolls for this model and friendly models within 6". Non-cumulative. May use ECCM Firewall.
ECM+ May use ECM Jam, ECM Hack and ECM Protect (always on, unless haywired)
FL Initial Force Leader
Hands Model has additional upgrade options available and limited climbing ability.
Jetpack May make a Jetpack move, with height and distance X. Ignore terrain up to X height. No actions allowed during jetpack move.
LBE If you select the Lead by Example option, your duelist will gain the following ability during the game. - Once per round, for each duelist, whenever a duelist damages an enemy model, give one SP to one model in formation with the duelist. - This SP does not convert to a CP. If not used, this SP is removed during cleanup.
Precise +1 to attack roll results in optimal range.
Sensors Sensor range is X. Models in formation may use this model's sensor locks for attacks.
Stable +1D6 modifier to attacks when moving at combat speed or top speed.
Stealth The range at which enemy sensors can lock this model is halved.
TD When this model FOs, reacting Guided weapons gain +1D6 to attack primary target. (in addition to the Fire Mission +1D6 bonus)
Vet Get +1SP and may purchase veteran options. May not be Conscript.
expand_less Upgrades reference
expand_more Upgrades reference
Name Cost Description
Combat Group Leader (CGL) 0 TV One model in each combat group must be selected to be the CGL. This is a free upgrade.
Duelist (for Veterans) 0 TV If you select the Lead by Example option, your duelist will gain the following ability during the game. - Once per round, for each duelist, whenever a duelist damages an enemy model, give one SP to one model in formation with the duelist.- This SP does not convert to a CP. If not used, this SP is removed during cleanup.
Precise 1 TV - Add the Precise trait to one weapon for 1 TV. - Or, add the Precise trait to a combo weapon for 2 TV.
Ace Gunner 1 TV For 1 TV, when using an autocannon, this model does not suffer the -1D6 modifier when using the Split trait for attacks against multiple models.
Second in Command (2iC) 1 TV You may upgrade one non-CGL model in each combat group to 2iC for 1 TV.
Commanding Officer (CO) 3 TV One CGL in the force may be upgraded to a CO for 3 TV.
Force Leader 0 TV The highest-ranking commander in your force at any given time becomes the force leader. The force leader’s initiative is used for initiative rolls. If your force does not have any officers, your force leader will be one CGL of your choosing. If the force leader is destroyed, the next highest ranking commander in the force becomes the force leader. The Chain of Command table shows the rank from highest to lowest. NOTE: The force leader is not an upgrade. It is simply the highest-ranking commander in your force. Details on how to select which of your commanders will be the force leader are found in the Setup: ID Commanders Chapter.
Anti-Air 1 TV Add the AA trait to an autocannon, rotary cannon, laser cannon or rotary laser cannon for 1 TV.
ECCM 1 TV Add the ECCM trait to a gear, vehicle or strider for 1 TV.