Gear Grinder




Factions: CEF

TV: 25

Models: 4

Actions: 4

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Roster 25TV (V3.0)

GREL Squad 5TV
GREL Hoverbike Squad Jan 6TV
GREL Hoverbike Squad 7TV
- Combat Group Leader (CGL), Veteran
FLAIL Anti-Tank Squad 7TV


Name TV Role MR AR H/S Dmg A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Type Height
GREL Squad 5 GP+ I:4" 4 4/2 ▢▢▢▢/▢▢ 1 3+ 3+ 6+ »HIW, »MIGL, »MICW, MIR Infantry 0.5"
GREL Hoverbike Squad Jan 6 GP+ H:12" 3 4/2 ▢▢▢▢/▢▢ 1 4+ 4+ 5+ »HIW, »MIGL, »MICW Agile, JumpJets:2, Comms Vehicle 1"
GREL Hoverbike Squad 7 GP+ H:12" 3 4/2 ▢▢▢▢/▢▢ 1 4+ 4+ 6+ »HIW, »MIGL, »MICW Agile, Jump Jets:2, CGL, Vet Vehicle 1"
options: Combat Group Leader (CGL) (0 TV), Veteran (2 TV)
FLAIL Anti-Tank Squad 7 GP, SK, FS I/H:6" 5 4/2 ▢▢▢▢/▢▢ 1 3+ 4+ 6+ »HMG, »MICW, HAVM(AP:2) Jetpack:4 Infantry 1"
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Weapon Type Code Range Dmg Traits Mode Models
Heavy Anti-Vehicle Missile HAVM 6" - 18" / 36" 7 AP:2, Guided D, I FLAIL Anti-Tank Squad
Medium Infantry Combat Weapon MICW Reach 0" 5 AI M FLAIL Anti-Tank Squad, GREL Hoverbike Squad, GREL Hoverbike Squad Jan, GREL Squad
Medium Infantry Grenade Launcher MIGL 3" - 9" / 18" 7 OR:AE:2Blast, OR:AP:1 D, I GREL Hoverbike Squad, GREL Hoverbike Squad Jan, GREL Squad
Medium Infantry Rifles MIR 6" - 24" / 48" 5 Precise, AI D GREL Squad
Heavy Infantry Weapons HIW 0" - 9" / 18" 5 AI, Burst:1 D GREL Hoverbike Squad, GREL Hoverbike Squad Jan, GREL Squad
Heavy Machine Gun HMG 3" - 9" / 18" 5 AI, Burst:2, Split:2 D FLAIL Anti-Tank Squad
Weapon Type Code Range Dmg Traits Mode Models
Heavy Anti-Vehicle Missile HAVM 6" - 18" / 36" 7 AP:2, Guided D, I FLAIL Anti-Tank Squad
Heavy Infantry Weapons HIW 0" - 9" / 18" 5 AI, Burst:1 D GREL Hoverbike Squad, GREL Hoverbike Squad Jan, GREL Squad
Heavy Machine Gun HMG 3" - 9" / 18" 5 AI, Burst:2, Split:2 D FLAIL Anti-Tank Squad
Medium Infantry Combat Weapon MICW Reach 0" 5 AI M FLAIL Anti-Tank Squad, GREL Hoverbike Squad, GREL Hoverbike Squad Jan, GREL Squad
Medium Infantry Grenade Launcher MIGL 3" - 9" / 18" 7 OR:AE:2Blast, OR:AP:1 D, I GREL Hoverbike Squad, GREL Hoverbike Squad Jan, GREL Squad
Medium Infantry Rifles MIR 6" - 24" / 48" 5 Precise, AI D GREL Squad
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Code Description
AI May deal more than two damage to Infantry or Drones on a successful attack.
AP Do damage equal to MoS (up to AP rating) or normal damage, whichever is greater. Does at least 1 dmg on a hit.
Burst +XD6 to attack with this weapon.
Guided +1D6 to Fire Missions if FO was made using a TD.
OR Choose one ammunition type to use when attacking
Precise +1 to attack roll results.
Split Attack up to X targets with -1D6 to roll. Targets must be up to 6" from each other.
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Code Description
Agile Attacks miss this model on MoS0.
CGL One model in each combat group must be selected to be the CGL. This is a free upgrade. CP:1, Init:5+, Rank:2
Comms Orders to models in formation succeed automatically. Models in formation use this model's Comms and EW to FO and issue orders.
Jetpack May make a Jetpack move, with height and distance X. Ignore terrain up to X height. No actions allowed during jetpack move.
JumpJets Assist normal move vertically X inches.
Vet Get +1SP and may purchase veteran options. May not be Conscript.
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Name Cost Description
Combat Group Leader (CGL) 0 TV
Veteran 2 TV