Gear Grinder




Factions: CEF

TV: 65

Models: 3

Actions: 6

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Roster 65TV (V3.0)

-- CG 3 -- 
-- RC -- 
LHT-71 FLAIL Crew 23TV
- Combat Group Leader (CGL), Veteran, Smoke Launchers
LHT-71 Assault FLAIL Crew 20TV
LHT-71 FLAIL Crew 22TV
- Second in Command (2iC), Smoke Launchers


Name TV Role MR AR H/S Dmg A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Type Height
-- CG 3 --
-- RC --
LHT-71 FLAIL Crew 23 SK, RC, FS H:10" 8 5/3 ▢▢▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 2 4+ 4+ 5+ MPA(T), LABM(T) Agile, Airdrop, Jump Jets:3 (Aux), Sensors:24, TD, ANN, CGL, Vet, Smoke Vehicle 2"
options: Combat Group Leader (CGL) (0 TV), Veteran (2 TV), Smoke Launchers (1 TV)
LHT-71 Assault FLAIL Crew 20 SK, RC H:10" 8 5/3 ▢▢▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 2 4+ 4+ 5+ »MFC(T,Link), MRL(T) Agile, Airdrop, JumpJets:3 (Aux), Sensors:24, TD, ANN Vehicle 2"
LHT-71 FLAIL Crew 22 SK, RC, FS H:10" 8 5/3 ▢▢▢▢▢/▢▢▢ 2 4+ 4+ 5+ MPA(T), LABM(T) Agile, Airdrop, Jump Jets:3 (Aux), Sensors:24, TD, ANN, 2iC, Smoke Vehicle 2"
options: Second in Command (2iC) (1 TV), Smoke Launchers (1 TV)
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Weapon Type Code Range Dmg Traits Mode Models
Light Air Burst Missile LABM 18" - 48" / 96" 5 AI, AE:3, Blast, Guided, T D, I LHT-71 FLAIL Crew
Medium Frag Cannon MFC 3" - 9" / 18" 6 OR:AP:1, OR:FragAI, T, Link D LHT-71 Assault FLAIL Crew
Medium Particle Accelerator MPA 6" - 24" / 48" 8 Haywire, Advanced, T D LHT-71 FLAIL Crew
Medium Rotary Laser MRL 6" - 18" / 36" 7 Advanced, Burst:1, Split:2, T D LHT-71 Assault FLAIL Crew
Weapon Type Code Range Dmg Traits Mode Models
Light Air Burst Missile LABM 18" - 48" / 96" 5 AI, AE:3, Blast, Guided, T D, I LHT-71 FLAIL Crew
Medium Frag Cannon MFC 3" - 9" / 18" 6 OR:AP:1, OR:FragAI, T, Link D LHT-71 Assault FLAIL Crew
Medium Particle Accelerator MPA 6" - 24" / 48" 8 Haywire, Advanced, T D LHT-71 FLAIL Crew
Medium Rotary Laser MRL 6" - 18" / 36" 7 Advanced, Burst:1, Split:2, T D LHT-71 Assault FLAIL Crew
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Code Description
AE Attack model or point, this is primary target. Other models within radius X are secondary targets.
AI May deal more than two damage to Infantry or Drones on a successful attack.
Advanced Add +1 to attack result in optimal range.
Blast Ignore partial cover when fired indirectly.
Burst +XD6 to attack with this weapon.
Guided +1D6 to Fire Missions if FO was made using a TD.
Haywire After hit, target counts as crippled until cleanup. Also roll a D6, on 4+ target gets one damage.
Link +1D6 to attack.
OR Choose one ammunition type to use when attacking
Split Attack up to X targets with -1D6 to roll. Targets must be up to 6" from each other.
T Gives a 360 degree field of fire to the weapon.
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Code Description
2iC You may upgrade one non-CGL model in any combat group to Second in Command (2iC) for an 1 TV. CP:1, Init:5+, Rank:1
ANN Improve a chosen skill by one during activation.
Agile Attacks miss this model on MoS0.
Airdrop CG of Airdrop models may deploy 12" past their deployment zone, in formation. Models take damage on failing a 2D6, threshold 4+ chance roll.
CGL One model in each combat group must be selected to be the CGL. This is a free upgrade. CP:1, Init:5+, Rank:2
JumpJets Assist normal move vertically X inches.
Sensors Sensor range is X. Models in formation may use this model's sensor locks.
Smoke Use action to drop AE:3r, height 4" smoke area on self. Smoke gives +1D6 defense. Removed in cleanup.
TD When this model FOs, reacting Guided weapons gain +1D6 to attack primary target. (in addition to the Fire Mission +1D6 bonus)
Vet Get +1SP and may purchase veteran options. May not be Conscript.
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Name Cost Description
Combat Group Leader (CGL) 0 TV
Veteran 2 TV
Smoke Launchers 1 TV
Second in Command (2iC) 1 TV